Thursday 5 April 2012

April already!

Hello blog, I'm sorry for my recent neglect of you. I don't know where the time goes! I can't believe its April already and how random is the weather? Last week summer dresses and sandals, this week back to big jumpers and winter boots. Bizarre!
So anyway, here are a few of my recent makes. Lots of custom made orders coming in at the mo!

I'm pleased to say that my next craft event will be the fantastic Reetsweet on the 2nd June at The Corn Exchange in Leeds

So, I'm now turning my attention to some lovely new summery designs for this! And as it's the day of the Queen's Jubilee, I think it would be rude not to make some kind of Jubilee inspired bags and purses so watch this space! I'm going to London at the weekend so will get lots of Royal inspiration I'm sure!

I'd also like to say thank you to Rubie Magpie ( who recently nominated me the Leibster Blog Award which i'm very grateful for, thank you very much! I'm still new to this whole blogging thing so I'm both surprised and delighted that somebody has a) read my witterings on b) liked it enough to nominate me!

The origins of the Liebster blog are somewhat unclear, however the general consensus is the German award meaning nearest and dearest is awarded to up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers in order to showcase these blogs.

The rules are:

♥  Choose 5 blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster Blog Award.
  Say 'Thank You' the the blogger that gave you the by linking back to their blog.
♥  List the 5 blogs you nominate and link back to their blogs.

It took me ages to choose, but here are my five favourite, most inspiring blogs! These ladies rock! 

1)  - I LOVE this ladies' patterns and prints
2) - very talented and really lovely with it
3) - 'Bear Hug' is most definitely on my wish list!
4) - I want one of everything Katie makes!
5) - Heather is a superb textile artist. I love her work

So please take a look. I'm sure you'll love them too!

Be back soon!
GC xx